Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013


 Edge City

Balikpapan is gates of east Borneo. For the first time I came to this city, in my mind it is a small village, undeveloped, and quite. But you know, when I step on my feet at Sepinggan International Airport, I really excited. why not.............. I arrived at the awesome city. yahhh at the edge city.

I arrived at Balikpapan on the afternoon, after that I choose to rest first. On the second day I start my adventure to around this city (with my special one). first, I enjoy to have lunch beside the sea, with presented view of barge that load of "black gold".

Then we continue my trip, we visited to Pertamina Refinery Unit and you can see below the view of it

So cool, right???
this is part of many awesome place at Balikpapan. Actually I just not came to this city to have traveling, but I still stay here. yahhh, I work here, and I very glad I can come to here.
Soooo, Do you not interested to visit Balikpapan????????????

Senin, 12 Agustus 2013

Tangan Tuhan tak kurang panjang

Setiap orang pasti pernah merasakan saat dimana kita merasa terpuruk.
ngerasa kok gini Tuhan? kenapa sekarang Tuhan? Kenapa harus aku Tuhan?
dan banyak lagi pertanyaan yang menyatakan protes kita buat Tuhan..........
Sedih boleh, tapi jgn sampe pada keputusasaan apa lagi ampe depresi..........

Kita manusia diberi akal, sehingga kita bisa berpikir untuk bertahan di setiap keadaan..
kalo kita nyerah berarti kita gagal jadi manusia..................
Setiap persoalan udah ada paketannya, ya pasti dengan penyelesaiannya
sama aja kayak guru ngasih soal ke muridnya pasti si guru udah punya jawabannya
jadi sebesar apa pun masalahmu ato sedalam apa pun kesedihan dan kekecewaan mu
tangan Tuhan tak kurang panjang buat nolongin kamu